Efficient and Advanced Manufacturing with Odoo

Odoo Advance Manufacturing is a comprehensive solution that combines the features of various technologies used in manufacturing to help businesses of all sizes improve their operations, increase sales, and cut costs. It integrates various functions such as order management, inventory control, and financial management with manufacturing operations to ensure coordination and efficiency.

Odoo Advance Manufacturing offers features such as:

  • Automated workflows for manufacturing orders, allowing for seamless tracking of production processes.

  • Advanced scheduling capabilities, allowing manufacturers to optimize production schedules and meet delivery deadlines.

  • Integration with other business systems, such as CRM and accounting, to provide real-time visibility of the entire business operations.

  • Inventory management features, including real-time tracking of raw materials and finished goods, and the ability to set reorder points and safety stocks.

  • Quality control features, including the ability to set up inspection plans and perform quality checks on finished products.

  • Support for multiple languages and currencies, making it a suitable solution for manufacturers with a global presence.

The open-source platform allows manufacturers to easily combine different Odoo modules in the most efficient way to make the most of the Odoo ERP for manufacturing. This enables manufacturers to integrate manufacturing operations with other Odoo modules such as Product Life Cycle Management, Quality Management, and Maintenance Management, creating a seamless and efficient workflow.

This integration can help to improve the overall performance and efficiency of the manufacturing process, by providing real-time data, reducing manual errors and automating the process. Additionally, it provides a single source of truth across the entire organization, which can lead to better decision-making, better planning and ultimately increased profitability.

Ability to control products and variants 

The solution allows manufacturers to handle products and product variations by either developing new products or updating existing product knowledge. This feature enables manufacturers to have control over units of measurement, product pricing, and other aspects of the product.

Manufacturers can create a list of all products and schedule production based on manufacturing orders, which can help to ensure that the right products are produced at the right time. The solution also helps manufacturers to monitor work orders, forecast work hours, and review the process status, which can help to improve efficiency and reduce lead time.

Additionally, it allows for real-time tracking of raw materials and finished goods, and the ability to set reorder points and safety stocks, which can help to avoid over or under stocking. All these features can help manufacturers to optimize production schedules and meet delivery deadlines, which can ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction and profitability.

Bill of materials (BOM) management

It allows manufacturers to maintain product quality by keeping track of the components used in the production of each product. This feature is especially important for manufacturers who produce complex products with multiple components.

The solution can help to manage the product pricing based on raw material costs, which can help to improve profitability. It allows manufacturers to easily create and manage BOMs, as well as to track inventory levels and manage stock movements.

Additionally, it includes a multi-level BOM that allows manufacturers to specify how to create and plan their products, including each sub-assembly, component, and material used. This can help manufacturers to streamline their production processes, improve efficiency and reduce costs, which can ultimately lead to increased profitability.

 Plan the procurement of raw materials

The solution allows manufacturers to manage vendors and raw materials in an efficient way, by providing features such as purchase order management, inventory management, and supplier management.

It promotes the incorporation of purchase operations for the acquisition of raw materials, which helps manufacturers to ensure that they have the right materials on hand when they need them. It allows manufacturers to easily test the availability of components and make purchases as needed.

With this feature, manufacturers can streamline their procurement processes, reduce lead time, and improve efficiency, which can ultimately lead to increased profitability. Additionally, it allows for real-time tracking of raw materials and finished goods, and the ability to set reorder points and safety stocks, which can help manufacturers to avoid over or under stocking.

Manufacturers to organize marketing campaigns

The solution includes features for sales and sales team management, marketing strategies, and promotions, which can help manufacturers to increase sales and improve profitability.

It allows manufacturers to monitor sales activities and assess the success rate of sales and marketing operations, which can help them to identify which strategies are working and which are not.

It can also provide real-time data and insights about customer behavior, which can help manufacturers to target their marketing campaigns more effectively. Additionally, it can integrate with other business systems such as CRM, which can help manufacturers to manage customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction.

Odoo Advance Manufacturing solution can help manufacturers to streamline their marketing operations, increase sales, and improve profitability by providing real-time data, automating workflows and providing a single source of truth across the entire organization.

Ability to conduct a quality assurance check

The quality module can be fully integrated with the Odoo Manufacturing ERP, which allows manufacturers to determine the quality of their manufactured goods. It helps manufacturers to establish quality standards and develop warning messages for the business.

It can also assist manufacturers in maintaining a high-quality workforce by providing tools for training and development. By ensuring customer satisfaction through product quality, it can ultimately improve the company's reputation and profitability. The solution offers quality control features, such as the ability to set up inspection plans and perform quality checks on finished products. This can help manufacturers to reduce the number of rework processes, decrease job costs, and improve delivery times, ultimately leading to satisfied customers.

Overall, conducting a quality assurance check is a critical step in the manufacturing process, and Odoo Advance Manufacturing solution offers the necessary tools and features to help manufacturers ensure that products are of the highest quality.

 Maintenance assistance on an ongoing basis

Odoo is a software that can be used to integrate machine maintenance and production in the manufacturing industry. It offers features such as preventive and corrective maintenance, as well as the ability to manage internal and external maintenance teams and subcontract maintenance work. This can help organizations effectively manage their maintenance activities and equipment.

Product Life Cycle Management 

Process that helps in tracking and monitoring a product throughout its lifecycle. This includes managing and updating bills of materials, coordinating interdepartmental activities, and assisting in financial planning. It also helps in handling engineering change orders. By properly managing the product life cycle, a manufacturing unit can keep track of its products and make informed decisions about production and financial planning.

 Inventory in a manufacturing organization

It assists in handling of raw materials and finished products. It can handle multiple warehouses and stock transfers, allowing for efficient management of inventory levels and stock movements. This can help organizations to keep track of their inventory and make sure that they have the necessary materials and products on hand to meet demand.

Support and ensure customer satisfaction

Ensuring customer satisfaction is key to the success of a company, and Odoo ERP can help with this by providing a proper product life cycle and quality control. It can also handle contact management, quotation management, and order management, which are all important aspects of managing customer relationships.
By effectively managing these processes and ensuring that products meet the necessary quality standards, a manufacturing organization can help to increase customer satisfaction and support.

Odoo Advance Manufacturing solutions can help manufacturers overcome a variety of challenges, including:

-Scheduling challenges: The solution provides advanced scheduling capabilities that allow manufacturers to optimize production schedules and meet delivery deadlines. It also provides visibility on potential work center restrictions, which can help manufacturers avoid unrealistic production schedules that do not optimize production capacity.

-Quality issues: With its quality control features, manufacturers can set up inspection plans and perform quality checks on finished products. This can help reduce the number of rework processes, decrease job costs, and improve delivery times, ultimately leading to satisfied customers.

-Inventory challenges: The solution offers inventory management features that include real-time tracking of raw materials and finished goods, and the ability to set reorder points and safety stocks. This can help manufacturers avoid over or under stocking, manage inventory on the factory floor, and have better visibility of material movement which can help them fulfill special orders.

-Lack of real-time data: The solution provides real-time visibility of the entire business operations which can help manufacturers to have accurate and up-to-date data about their costs and expenses.

-Job costing based on historical data: By providing real-time data, it eliminates the need for job costing based on historical data, which can be prone to errors.

-Errors due to manual sheets: The solution eliminates the need for manual sheets, which can reduce the risk of errors and improve accuracy.

-Underutilized resources: With its advanced scheduling capabilities, manufacturers can optimize production schedules and utilize resources more effectively.

-Reporting: The solution offers a variety of reporting features, including the ability to track key performance indicators related to resource efficiency and production throughput.

-Work order management: The solution provides automated workflows for manufacturing orders, allowing for seamless tracking of production processes. This can help improve work order management and reduce lead time.

-Shop reporting: The solution offers shop reporting features that can be done in real-time, eliminating the need for ad-hoc reporting.

-Shop floor Mistakes: With its advanced scheduling and inventory management capabilities, the solution can help reduce shop floor mistakes and improve efficiency.


There are several reasons why manufacturers may choose Odoo Advance Manufacturing solution:

-Scalability: Odoo Advance Manufacturing is designed for manufacturing enterprises of all sizes, so it can grow with your business.

-Advanced features: It offers advanced features for capacity planning and scheduling, supply chain management, shipping logistics, and other capabilities that are critical for modern manufacturers.

-Precise data: It provides real-time data, which can help manufacturers make more informed decisions and improve efficiency.

-Integration: It integrates with other business systems, such as CRM and accounting, to provide a holistic view of the entire business operations.

-Flexibility: It supports multiple languages and currencies, making it a suitable solution for manufacturers with a global presence.

-Cost-effective: It's an open-source solution, which means it is cost-effective compared to other proprietary solutions.

-Ease of use: Its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features make it simple for employees at all levels to use and navigate.

Odoo Advance Manufacturing solution can help manufacturers streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and increase overall performance, which can ultimately lead to increased profitability.


 Key features of Odoo Advance Manufacturing solution

-Finite scheduling: It allows manufacturers to determine how much work can be completed in a given period and allocate resources accordingly, ensuring that work moves at a consistent and efficient pace throughout the facility.

-Capacity planning: It provides a comprehensive view of the entire planning process and allows manufacturers to quickly reschedule manufacturing, ensuring that there is enough resource capacity to meet scheduling requirements.

-Shop floor execution: It allows for the collection of downtime production loss and production results, which can help manufacturers improve efficiency.

-Quality control: It allows manufacturers to plan and carry out quality testing throughout the material flow, beginning with the original procurement and continuing through the manufacturing process.

-Material requirement planning: It helps manufacturers to determine the number of raw materials needed and manage a material supply system, as well as plan products, schedule operations, and keep track of inventory.

-Multiple warehouse management: It allows manufacturers to set up several warehouses and create smooth and transparent movements between them, making it cheaper and easier to deliver to a wider area.

-Maintenance: It allows manufacturers to place maintenance orders for repairs and other fixes, as well as provides automotive preventive maintenance.

-Dashboard: It provides a 360-degree view of the business and improves operational reporting through flexible ad-hoc queries and analyses, using Kanban view dashboards.

-Reporting: It provides shop floor information that allows manufacturers to make better decisions.

-Multi-level BOM: It allows manufacturers to specify how to create and plan their products, including each sub-assembly, component, and material used.

-Work centre management: It allows manufacturers to easily set up tablets at each work centre, record production, display operator instructions, and use alerts for better work centre management.

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