Odoo is one of the finest tool to boost your business, has introduced many features to enhance the productivity for its users. Odoo13 has come up with new features that help you to improve the quality and performance of your business. 

    In short, there are many technical as well as functional changes in Odoo13, that contribute to being a complete business suite.

   Some of the Odoo13 features are:

1) Promotions and Coupons in Sales

        As a new feature, promotions, and coupons are now available in Community version of Odoo13, so that you can use these features to attract new customers.

2) Subcontracting in MRP

        Added subcontracting in the BoM Type in Manufacture Bill of Materials.It allows you to directly enter the order details of your vendor in the system. To enable subcontracting,

        Manufacturing --> Configuration --> Settings -->Tick Subcontracting checkbox

Thus you can use MRP subcontracting while outsourcing the manufacturing of a product fully or partially.

3) Website Form Builder

        Form Builders in the website has been moved from Enterprise edition to Community edition. This enables us to create various website forms.

4) Leave renamed as Time off

        In Odoo13, leave is renamed as Time off.

5) Skill Management Modules

        One of the new features of Odoo13 is the skill management module. This enables to manage the skills, knowledge, and resume of your employees.

Skills e-learning : Adds completed courses to resume of your employees

Skills Certification: Add certification to resume of your employees

6) Field Service Management

        One of the new features in Odoo13 is to manage your onsite interventions by using the new app, Field Service Management. It keeps a track of various components in the field operations. It helps in repairing, installation, construction, and delivery of onsite services for homes and businesses.It enables field workers to use tasks and projects.

7) New Approval App

        Odoo13 has come up with a new feature, Approval app which easily manages your employee's requests. The Employee can request the approval of approver (for example, Manager/Accountant) and approver can ask the employees the information needed before approving any request. This new feature of Odoo13 allows you to create, validate, or refuse all types of requests, be it travel, office supplies, payments, etc in seconds from your approval dashboard.

8) Improvements in Calendar

        The new interface of the calendar view was completely redesigned with some small new features such as the possibility to answer to an event directly from the event popup.

9) New Employee Presence app

        Another new feature, Odoo13 has introduced is the Employee Presence Control app. This app allows you to control the presence of employees according to attendance, time-off, login.IP addresses or sent emails.

10) Display product videos

            One of the extensive features of Odoo13 is to display product videos on the product page in eCommerce. This really makes the user of your website understand more about the actual features of the product.

                                    Website -> Products -> eCommerce -> Add Media

11) Preference changed to My Profile

12)Buy Now Button in Odoo Shop
            To enable the buy now button,

                Website -> Shop -> Select any product ->Customize -> Enable Buy Now Button

13) Ribbon Widget

14) Inventory Forecast

            Forecasted Inventory allows you to easily retrieve your forecasted inventory with the new graph and grid views.The line chart displays the quantity vs time for different products in the inventory.

15) Signature Widget

            New signature widget to request signed confirmation in any process such as purchase orders, delivery receipts, etc by using Odoo Studio.

16) Odoo HR Payroll module   

            HR PayRoll has been moved from Community to Enterprise

17) Login to POS UI as Employee, instead of User

18) Restricted Product Category in Point Of Sales.

19) Easier to customize Documentation Layout
            In Odoo13, it is more easier to customize the documentation layout. 

                        Goto Settings -> Document Layout ->Configure Document Layout

These are some of the notable features of Odoo13. Let’s have some more points to ponder before we wind up the blog on features of Odoo13:

                          • account.invoice changed to account.move

                    • account.invoice.line changed to account.move.line

                    • account.invoice.tax changed to account.move.lin

                    • account.voucher changed to account.move

                    • account.voucher.line changed to account.move.line

                    • @api.multi is removed

                    • @api.one is removed

                    • @api.guess is removed

                    • @api.noguess is removed

                    • @api.model_cr is removed

These are some of the important features that were detailed about Odoo13. To get more information please check, https://www.odoo.com/odoo-13-release-notes.If you have any requirements be it migrating from older to new Odoo 13, or the very new Odoo implementation, Odox Soft Hub can help you with that.

    Odox Soft Hub is one of the leading developers in Odoo.To explore more about us feel free to get in touch with us.

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Business Benefits Of Odoo V13